Blogroll & Newsletters:

Here’s a curated list of useful blogs/nesletters that I find interesting and useful for staying up to date on news & research:

Abnormal Returns: curated daily links list from Tadas Viskantas

Alpha Architect: reviews & summaries of current topics and research from Wes Gray and the team at AA

Aptus Capital Advisors: thoughtful research from a very interesting asset management firm that runs a few ETFs and SMA strategies

AQR Research (Cliff’s Perspectives): AQR sets the standard for transparent and logical thinking with their research, and Cliff’s writing is unmistakable - a one of one perspective in the investing world

Basis Pointing (Jeffrey Ptak): timely writing on asset management industry news as well as interesting fund analysis from a Morningstar veteran

Bps & Pieces: blog of Cliffwater’s Head of Portfolio Solutions, Phil Huber - highly recommend his monthly “Paper Trail” newsletter

Money Stuff: the can’t miss daily emails from the uber talented Matt Levine at Bloomberg (now available with a weekly companion podcast, too)

Moontower: excellent newsletter and set of explainers/resources (options/derivatives/volatility-heavy subject matter) that also wanders into the life advice domain

Quantocracy: curated links on news/research with a quant orientation

Quantseeker: curated research from a knowledgeable source, great weekly research recap email

Return Stacked: I’m a huge fan of Corey Hoffstein (Newfound Research) and the folks over at ReSolve Asset Management and a huge proponent of their new Return Stacked suite of ETFs - their research blog is top notch

Simplify Asset Management: interesting and useful writing from an innovator in the ETF landscape

The Idea Farm: curated weekly links to new articles/research as well as notable podcast episodes from Meb Faber & Cambria

This Week In Charts: useful weekly collection of pertinent charts & topics from Creative Planning’s Charlie Bilello

Verdad: high quality and topical research from Dan Rasmussen and the team (be sure to subscribe to their weekly emails)


CBOE Fed Watch: useful for gauging market expectations around Fed actions

FINRA Fixed Income Data: great for tracking down price history and trade activity on individual bonds

Horizon Capital Market Assumptions Survey: an extremely convenient collation of capital market assumptions across all the major research shops

JPM Guide to the Markets: the go to source for quick and generic data/charts + keeping a pulse on broad market activity

FINRA Fixed Income Data: great for tracking down price history and trade activity on individual bonds

Portfolio Visualizer: free + lots of data and tools, great for quick backtesting and analysis

Koyfin: quick and free access to basic fund/stock/market data

Roll Yield Tool: shows short term indications of futures financing spreads (requires free sign up for CME login)

Animal Spirits: weekly general market coverage from Ben Carlson and Michael Batnick of Ritholz WM, usually good for getting the pulse on recent events and surfacing useful talking points but skip the last 15mins where they get into their personal stuff

Capital Allocators: good longform interviews from industry veteran Tim Seides with private fund managers

Excess Returns: topic-based episodes that range widely but occasionally get solid guests, hosted by the folks behind Validea who run some interesting quant-based models designed to mimic popular strategies/investors

Facts vs. Feelings: very similar to Animal Spirits but stays on topic and have more data-based opinions

Financial Advisor Success (Michael Kitces): obviously more industry/practice management-based than investing but I find some episodes insightful, particularly if you are running a firm

Flirting with Models: great, in-depth, quant-heavy longform offering from Cory Hoffstein (Newfound Research, ReturnStacking)

Invest Like the Best: used to be a must-listen but Patrick has gone through many phases since then (Crypto, AI, thought-leadership, etc.) - still some golden episodes in the back catalogue and he gets amazing guests from time to time.

Making Markets: from the Colossus family (Patrick+Jim O’Shaughnessy) - topic-based episodes that span a variety of themes but generally pretty useful

Masters in Business: Barry (Ritholtz) is not my favorite guy (or interviewer) but he gets great guests being under the Bloomberg umbrella

Money Stuff: relatively new pod from Matt Levine (& fellow Bloomberg colleague Katie Griefeld) that has great report and sharp wit (much like the newsletter), but not necessarily a must-listen if you read the newsletter religiously

Odd Lots: the most interesting and refreshing podcast in finance - Tracy and Joe do a great job digging into topical minutia in an engaging way

Other People’s Money: relatively new - more focused on the business side of asset management but generally informative

The Acquirer’s Podcast (Value After Hours): the feed is exclusively Value After Hours now (Tobias used to do more one on one interviews) but VAH is basically Animal Spirits or Facts vs Feelings with a guest each week. Not a must-listen but I am a huge fan of Tobi and Jake.

The Derivative: interesting topical and interview episodes from the alts/privates space

The Meb Faber Show: huge fan of Meb and his honest, humble, data-based approach to investing, always worth listening to his interviews with various researchers, writers, & asset managers

Rational Reminder: episodes can span both investing and financial planning topics but generally features well thought-out commentary and advice - from a Canadian wealth management firm

This Week in Wealth: a new pod from the Citywire folks that’s focused specifically on the RIA space - good for keeping up with M&A and industry news

Trillions: ETF-focused pod that covers trends and new fund launches, hosted by the Bloomberg ETF expert Eric Balchunas
