… The Blog
This blog is intended to be an open exploration of practical topics in investing, portfolio management, and personal financial planning. I emphasize “practical” because, while I certainly appreciate the advancements that modern academia have given us as allocators of investors’ capital, I feel that there is often a disconnect between taking complex investment concepts and applying them to real investors’ portfolios. To that end, I envision the target audience for this blog to be allocators of the practical sort: analysts, portfolio managers, CIOs, and advisors in RIAs, wirehouses, consulting firms, and money management firms of all stripes. Perhaps even individual investors will find something to interest them.
… The Author
In order to avoid the gaze of compliant eyes this blog must remain anonymous for now. But know that your author has spent the entirety of his decade plus professional career in various investment organizations. I have held positions in back office trading operations as well as varying degrees of seniority in research organizations. The majority of my career has been spent in the independent wealth management channel (RIAs) managing a few billion dollars of high net worth individuals’ and small institutions’ assets. Because all of the firms I have worked for have been small, I’ve developed a generalist’s skillset and have exposure to many different aspects of running wealth management businesses. I am no smarter than you, I am here to learn in public and hopefully provide some value to my readers, like many of my personal investing heroes. Whoever you are, thank you for taking the time to learn along with me.